Created in 1988 and run by the TRANCHANT family, the group first opened a number of casinos, then grew very quickly thanks to new acquisitions in France and abroad.

The TRANCHANT group owns buildings listed as historic monuments, and rents premises in several municipalities; it has also built its own casinos and hotels in harmony with the character of their local environment. All are located on high-potential sites in prime locations.

Management teams in each gaming establishment have two priorities: guaranteeing compliance with official gaming regulations, and ensuring that customers enjoy top-quality HJEservices.

Commitments and values

A socially responsible approach

For more than 30 years, the TRANCHANT group, aware of its role and responsibilities in this socio-economic environment, has been applying a practice of Responsible Gaming and a risk prevention approach in its establishments.

Gaming is a marvellous form of entertainment; but for some customers, overtaken by a passion for the game, it can also become a problem. As such, the company has created a group specialised in preventing problems linked to gaming. It is responsible for training staff and informing customers about the risks of addiction. Gaming is a pleasure, and it should remain so.

Attracting and retaining talent

The TRANCHANT group attaches a great deal of importance to the well-being and professional development of its staff. For this reason, it supports the growth of its employees through the development of in-house skills and a rewarding and challenging mobility policy, and offers career opportunities to help them progress to management positions.

Joining the TRANCHANT group means joining one of the market leaders in gaming and leisure that, since its creation, has been marked by both the story of a visionary family and the history of a major French company with an active strategy for international growth.

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The relative index on women-men's equality

Equality between women and men is one of the major societal issues that the Tranchant Group is committed to addressing.

The index on equality between women and men, presented as an overall score of 100 points, allowing at least 50 employees to measure their level in terms of professional equality.

ENTITÉEcart de rémunérationEcart augmentation% des salariées ayant bénéficié d’une augmentation dans l’année suivant leur retour de congé maternitéNombre de salariés du sexe sous-représenté parmi les 10 plus hautes rémunérations Total des pointsNombre de points maximum pouvant être obtenusIndex / 100
AMNEVILLE LOISIRS SAS 3725Non calculable*10728585
CAGNES SUR MER LOISIRS SAS 3735Non calculable*10828596
LE GRAU DU ROI LOISIRS SAS 4035Non calculable*108585100
CASINO DE LUC SUR MER SAS 3735Non calculable*5778591
PAU LOISIRS SAS 3535Non calculable*10808594
POUGUES LOISIRS SAS3835Non calculable*5788592
CLMCE 3835Non calculable*0738586

* Indicateur incalculable.

** La valeur des indicateurs calculés correspondant à un total < 75, l'index ne peut être déterminé.


Growth and expansion strategy

The TRANCHANT group has been a consistently entrepreneurial innovator and creator since its inception.

With more than 30 years’ experience in operating casinos and gaming clubs in France, the TRANCHANT group continues to reinvent the concept of the word “leisure” on a daily basis, developing new packages to incorporate “gaming” into ever-more ambitious complexes.

Major investments are made every year in renovating, modernising and extending its holdings, but also in constructing new, large-scale leisure facilities dedicated to gaming, culture, dining and accommodation, including facilities such as large car parks and assisted access to sites with a view to reaching a large number of potential customers.

With its expertise in the gaming industry and in the running of casinos and gaming clubs, the group has gradually expanded its operations via strategic acquisitions and targeted, complementary diversification.

Its main subsidiaries illustrate the TRANCHANT group’s ambitions in transitioning its historical business lines to digital media, with specialised solutions, applications, services and equipment using technological innovation as a driver of growth.
Brands from our key activities